


There are so many feral cats in New York City, but summer of 2015 that the Mayor's Alliance for NYC Animals sent out an email detailing how both shelters and rescues are overwhelmed.   When I was at the ASPCA's stationary clinic in Glendale I asked a vet tech "Is it me, or is the feral kitty situation worse this year?"  The tech said "It does seem like there are more cats this year."


We fixed six cats in a woman's backyard last year, but once the kitty grapevine spread that she was a good woman who would feed them and take care of them, 17 olther ktties decided to spend all their time in her yard.


For her, that'd be fine.   For her neighbors, not so much.  Unfortunately, not everyone is kind.   Or even human.  And these folks were making things difficult.  So we did a rush TNR.    Yes, with more planning it would have cost me less.  But guess what - I rushed so that the situation wouldn't be out of control.


But that's not the only colony.  Now I've got a situation in Harlem.   Oh, and BELIVE ME I KNOW THERE ARE RESCUERS THAT HAVE IT MUCH WORSE!    You don't need to tell me.  I know.  I've worked with groups that had a colony 500 strong.  In fact, it was an entire island.     And then there's the notorious "Ravenswood 600" -- approximately 600 cats on NYCHA housing in Queens.


So NO, I DON'T THINK I'M SOME HERO.   In fact, there are tons of great TNR groups out there to give to.    And once I recoup the money I'm spending, I'll take the whole donate button down and stop collecting cash.   It's just that I need a little help, and videos are what I do, and gofundme, etc don't let you put up videos.   Which they should.